Three Supplements Rugby Players Should Be Using
Author: Professional Whey Date Posted:14 May 2019

Reading Time: 2-3 mins
Rugby players, whether professional or amateur, use supplements as part of their daily training routines. As a physically demanding sport, competitors need to use every legal aid at their disposal to improve their endurance, strength and energy levels. The various phases of rugby training and performance depend on different elements of physical fitness. Over the years, we’ve found that three supplements are particularly effective for rugby players.
Collagen Hydrolysate is a bioactive protein supplement that helps to support the body’s collagen supplies. This makes it an ideal recovery supplement, able to help ligaments, tendons and cartilage repair themselves rapidly and effectively. High levels of amino acids are found within collagen (including 8 of the 9 essential amino acids), ensuring that it also aids the repair and growth of muscle tissue and support the skeletal system.
Collagen is key to both helping muscles recover from injury and strengthening your body so that injuries are less likely to occur. Improving the collagen levels within your body will have a positive impact on the areas impacted by collagen such as your bones and joints. As a supplement, then, it is multi-faceted, and, for rugby players, it improves their body’s defences against the rigours of the sport. The ability to not only speed up recovery but also to strengthen the body against injury is invaluable in rugby.
Whey Protein is the most commonly used protein supplement and it’s popular amongst rugby players as well as other sports people and fitness enthusiasts. The level of protein in whey outstrips all alternatives, plus it contains very high level BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids) and EAAs (Essential Amino Acids). Like Collagen Hydrolysate, Whey Protein helps muscles to repair after exercise, and it can help both your recovery time and your muscle growth.
For rugby players, consuming the right amount of protein at the right time can be tricky. Protein shakes containing a minimum of 30g of protein are a quick and effective way to boost your protein intake pre or post training session.
Creatine Monohydrate has been the subject of plenty of research over the last 50 years and it’s still considered to be one of the most effective supplements you can get for increasing power, speed and strength. It works by generating ATP, a natural substance that increases the energy stores within your muscles. This has a tangible effect on power, performance and explosive strength.
Rugby is a high-intensity intermittent game, and this is replicated during intense training sessions. Increased ATP levels can help generate improved power output and improve the capacity of a player for high-intensity exercise. Many players already supplement daily with up to 5g of Creatine mixed with other ingredients in a pre or post training shake.
Choose Pure Supplements for Best Results
As with all supplements, the impact of Collagen Hydrolysate, Whey Protein and Creatine Monohydrate can only be effective when pure supplements are used. This isn’t just a case of avoiding banned substances, but also being ultra-careful about every ingredient in the supplements you’re using. Some additives made to thicken the mouth feel of protein shakes such as Xanthan Gum are used in many protein powders and yet are linked to poor digestion.
Equally, watch out for flavourings where artificial colours are used – many of them are banned elsewhere in the world and have negative side-effects. For rugby players, keeping track of everything going into your body and assessing how it impacts you, is the best route to enduring and overcoming the gruelling rigours of the game over many seasons and ultimately creating longevity to see success.